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There is so much to discover that you can't even imagine. Did you know that ...?


  • The Gamer

    Blade Of Agony is something truly special. This game is a passion project that has been going on for longer [..]

  • Deutschlandfunk Kultur

    Technisch hat das Team hinter „Blade of Agony“ viel aus dem 1993 erschienen „Doom“ herausgeholt [..]

  • Game Pressure

    29 years after its initial release, Wolfenstein 3-D is still kicking ass and taking names. B. J. Blazkowicz returns in Wolfenstein: Blade of Agony [..]

  • PC Gamer

    Wolfenstein: Blade of Agony is one of the biggest GZDoom wads ever made—it may even be the biggest [..]

  • El Output

    Blade of Agony es un mod para GZDoom que lleva varios años sonando en internet por su magnífica jugabilidad e historia [..]

  • Safari Games

    Era il 2014 quando iniziai ad avvicinarmi realmente al mondo del modding di Doom, nonostante giocassi l’fps sin dal 1996 [..]

  • Playground

    Wolfenstein: Blade of Agony добрался до своего релиза - игру может скачать каждый желающий бесплатно [..]

  • Sector.sk

    Il est bien peu de choses dont on ne finit pas immanquablement par se lasser, mais exterminer des nazis en fait inconstestablement partie [..]

  • Sector.sk

    Mod Wolfenstein: Blade of Agony práve vyšiel, ponúka nový príbeh pre hru Druhá svetová vojna a príbeh BJ Blazkowicza [..]

  • gamerant

    Nostalgia for action-packed first-person shooters from the 90s and early 2000s is reaching a peak. [..]

  • Pokud by mi zájemce o modifikace pro Doom položil dotaz, jaký aktuální projekt bych mu doporučil, aby si mohl otestovat [..]

  • I’ve played a number of maps, mods and total conversions but I have to say none of them compare to this. [..]

  • Siete felici dei risultati delle elezioni europee? Contenti di avere un partito dagli ideali vicini al nazismo in vetta alle classifiche? [..]

  • Wenn du damals im Informatikunterricht heimlich die Shareware-Version von Wolfenstein 3D gespielt hast, solltest du unbedingt einen Blick auf das erste Chapter [..]

  • Blade of Agony might not be your style of gameplay, but it’s a disservice to say it isn’t one of the most significant releases this year. From the opening cinematic [..]

  •  Spuštění WolfenDooma přitom není vůbec nic složitého. Stačí si ho prostě stáhnout odsud a poté spustit. Nic víc opravdu není potřeba. [..]

  • This is basically one of the best DOOM mods I've come across. It's a 90's-style story-driven FPS. http://boa.realm667.com/
    #doom #90s [..] Twitter by John Romero

  • It’s an amazing showcase of the malleability of GZDoom, and a fascinating clash of shooter styles into an ambitious campaign that somehow still feels cohesive [..]

  • Todas as armas do jogo possuem utilidade e são divertidas de usarem. As pistolas atiram rápido e conseguem mais dano do que sub-metralhadoras, os rifles [..]

  • Despite the fact that I'm not big on playing computer games, this one sounded awesome, and since GZDoom is running natively on Linux, I gave it a try [..]

  • Bis zum Release vom frisch angekündigten Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus musst du leider noch vier Monate warten, aber bis dahin kannst du in Blade of Agony [..]

  • "Fanoušky retra a dne už zapomenutého umění zabíjení nacistů v reáliích druhé světové války může potěšit modernizovaný pohled na původního Wolfenstein 3D..."

  • "Do you remember a time when Wolfenstein hero B.J. Blazkowicz was a grinning, bum-chinned sprite with shiny blue twinklers rather than a morose sad-eyed man in a broken world?"

  • Wolfenstein 3D ist Teil meiner Jugend. Wir haben es damals heimlich am Schul-PC gespielt, wie es sich gehört, und so den Reiz des Verbotenen gleich doppelt auskostet.

News & Blog

After the past three months have been pretty silent when it comes to public news, the team had been working unweary on the final chapter of Blade of Agony. We made huge progress leaps in the mapping department and there is only one map left to be finished in the main part of the third chapter - Airport Berlin Tempelhof (without mentioning our secret operation and the three specials that can be played at the console, but more about that in the future). After that we will concentrate on polishing the storyline and the structures, adding sidequests and making sure everything works without any flaws and is playable from the start to the end.

"And what comes next? A release?" Well, it's not as easy as that. One of our additional goals for the final release is the localization and the voice acting. For the localization we plan to release the game in various different languages (german, italian, russian next to english) to reach a wider audience. On the other side, we want to improve the atmosphere with a special audio addition, therefore we plan to add voice actings to the briefing, the dialogues and the ingame messages. But this all can only be done as soon as most of the game is set in stone to avoid gaps or redundancies. Anyway, we won't be able to do all this on our own.

So if you are used to translating texts in the languages we aim for, or if you are interested and skilled in doing some voice acting for a specific character in the game, drop us a line, get in conctact over the forums and let us know. We are looking forward to any kind of support in this area.