Larger-scale projects like Blade of Agony aren't possible without a good team. Everyone has their own strengths; our goal was to combine these strengths into a productive synergy, and we somehow pulled it off — at least, we're having a great time working together, and that's what it's all about!

Project Lead, Concept Design, Plot Design, Graphic Design, SFX Design, Level Design
Born in Germany in 1984, Daniel grew up in the good old classic DOS era, addicted to all the pixelated beauty of his youth. He has started modding for Doom in 1996 and has kept at it ever since. Working as a graphics designer in a media agency gives him knowledge of visuals, special effects, and especially mapping. Through the last two decades, he's spearheaded several major projects (Stronghold and Knee-Deep in ZDoom, to name two) and gathered enough experience to start the most ambitious project he has ever worked on — Blade of Agony.

Concept Design, Plot Design, Writing, Quality Assurance, Level Design
Born in Wales in 1984, Dean has always had a passion for computer gaming. Although he has been editing on and off since the age of 12, he has never released anything worthwhile to the public until Blade of Agony. Aside from computer games, his passions include theatre, architecture, wargaming, role-playing, history, and B-movies, and he's brought these varied interests into the project. His gaming influences include Duke Nukem, Alone in the Dark, Wolfenstein, and Zelda, and his most-admired game designers are Shigeru Miyamoto, Sid Meier, John Romero and Richard Garriot.

Programmer, Model Design, Sprite Artist, Quality Assurance
Virgilio, an Italian Blast from 1981, began his gaming life with a Commodore 64 and an Amiga 600. It was obvious that his passion for video games would only grow from there, especially in 1996, when he first played Doom. Drawing experience through decades of playing first-person shooters, he joined the community very late in 2014. He can be considered a late bloomer, but a fast learner. Next to his personal projects Gore and Batman Doom Reborn, he joined Blade of Agony as an expert in programming, model design and sprite work — essential elements of the convincing atmosphere that we're aiming for.

Sprite Artist
Born in Ukraine in 1978, Maxim immigrated to Israel at age 12, when he began inventing card and board games long before his first computer. During the 90s he became a fan of video games and early 3D shooters, with their pixelated charm. Maxim has made games and mods since 2005. He made his first games on CliK&Play and later Game Maker, then discovered the Doom modding community, contributing to Skulltag and ZBlud. His main focus is spriting and art. The WolfTC for Doomsday project gradually led to him to focus mainly on Wolfenstein 3D modding, and he released many big mods as a leading member of Team RayCast (like Operation Eisenfaust: Legacy), with many others currently in development. He participated in the Commander Keen modding project Keen meets the Meats. When he saw Blade of Agony he just had to offer his spriting services and experience.

Born in the United States in 1982, AFADoomer grew up playing both Wolfenstein 3D and Doom, and has held an affection for both games for most of his life. He cut his modding teeth on Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force, then moved back to Doom as source port capabilities expanded. In his most well-known release, the Wolfenstein 3D Total Conversion, AFADoomer successfully recreated the look and feel of classic Wolfenstein 3D in the ZDoom engine. His Blake Stone conversion and his in-development Star Trek modification continued this trend of twisting the engine to act in new and exciting ways. When his sights shifted to Blade of Agony, AFADoomer again began pushing the limits of GZDoom, adding many unique gameplay mechanics and user interface components that make this game stand out from other modifications.
Additional members
Sprite Artist
This guy raises two questions: why does he have such a long nickname? And why is he such a damn talented sprite artist? BigDave (brevity is the soul of wit) is responsible for most of the beautifully-drawn Allied characters, a few surprise bosses, and last but not least, the badass zombies surprises in Chapter 3.
Programmer, Quality Control
Our utility man: part of the project from the very beginning and already known for his huge archive of mod improvements, Ed was responsible for major improvements in the enemy movement and weapon code — not only for Blade of Agony, but also for the Nazis' base, leaving his special mark on the project.
Level Design
The one person other than Dean and Daniel to have contributed two levels for Blade of Agony. Known for his very well-detailed releases in the Doom modding community, he can be considered a sidekick — not part of the project all the time, but putting the cherry on the cake with missions that fit seamlessly into the project.
Proofreading & Revision
A true language nerd, James has a passion for both writing and editing. He proofread the project's site prior to launch (meaning he's one to blame for anything wrong with it!) and will work in a more creative capacity down the road, helping Dan and Dean flesh out the plot in the game's text and dialogue.
Concept Design, Programmer
Mostly known for his tremendous work on GZDoomBuilder, MaxED is another programmer with whom it is our great honor to work. A well-rounded programmer, he is also responsible for amazing concept changes early in development that pushed the borders even further. Without his creative thinking, Blade of Agony would still mostly look straight from the 90s.
Translator, Quality Control, Conceptual Support
This person has always been standing in the shadows, monitoring the community. When he saw the game's translation ads, he felt it was time to act. Having deep engine insight, he also provided the team with extensive feedback. There are suspicions though that he might have obtained too much clearance to Realm667's technical process; and what's more disturbing, we don't know what to expect from him next...
Balancing, Quality Control
When it comes to bugfixing and quality control, Talon can be considered as our busy Lizzie. Tireless he was looking after weak points and ways on how to improve them. A lot of issues could only be solved with his excellent painstaking support in terms of code and testing. For trivia reasons: Did you know that he made countless pull requests when he wasn't even part of the team?
Programmer, Technical Support
When you find yourself in a moving truck or mine cart, and you feel like you're playing a classic old-school rail shooter, praise him — it was his brilliant script that made mechanics like this possible. Moreover, he is a reliable help when it comes to realizing concepts that require complicated scripts and programming.
Translator, Quality Control
This guy is a textbook example of how a dedicated fan can evolve into a real support. Not exactly a modder, but rather a "full-time consumer" of others' hard work. Starting as a mere translator for a Czech language, then with his precision transformed into assistance of game localization, and feedback provider, trying to ensure with his reports no serious bug will touch the final release of BoA.
The man behind the Fleisch ("meat") — and actually the reason why the project began: wildweasel is responsible for the weapon and gameplay mod "Nazis" on which Blade of Agony was based at the very beginning. A huge portion of code is still his work, and without him, this project would have never been realized.