During the course of the game, you'll meet many Allied characters. Some of them will offer hints and information; others will directly support you during operations. Be sure to familiarize yourself with your allies, where to find them, and what roles they play in the Allied cause — you can't win the war all by yourself!
The Good Guys

Cpt. William "B.J." Blazkowicz
You are our hero, the greatest spy and bravest risk-taker the Allied forces have ever known. You'll take on the fearsome Nazi regime as you blast your way to victory. If you can survive the might and fury of the Third Reich, you may do battle with the diabolical Adolf Hitler himself, who is twisting science with the occult in his pathological mission to conquer the world! The fate of all free nations hangs in the balance — failure is not an option.

Cpt. "Dirty" Douglas Blake
Your sidekick, and the most reliable comrade you've ever had. Together, you've shared many adventures and survived many missions (some narrowly!). Dirty Douglas has many years of service on his record, and he's earned the respect and admiration of his inferiors and superiors alike. He will provide information and support during your missions, guiding you through tricky situations.

General John H. Miller
As the highest-ranking commander of the resistance in Great Britain, General John H. Miller oversees a variety of guerilla operations across Europe. He's an experienced leader with an outstanding reputation, and he's the top authority at headquarters. He'll brief you before each mission.

Cpt. James Ryan (M.I.A.)
Your former superior and comrade. Cpt. James Ryan was one of the greatest spies in the war, completing difficult missions and returning with information that only he seemed to be able to uncover. Unfortunately, he's been missing in action for several months, ever since an operation in Poland from which he didn't return. His whereabouts, dead or alive, are unknown.

Sgt. Dean Ascher
Sgt. Dean Ascher is a reliable and faithful comrade, and therefore the perfect choice to be General Miller's right hand man. His experience and talent for planning has not only been proven on the battlefields of Europe, but also in the beds of many nurses, hairdressers, secretaries and other female employees.

Prof. Klaus Gutenberg
It goes without saying that not every German supports the Third Reich, and Gutenberg, a German refugee and a brilliant scientist, emphatically condemns Hitler's methods and Nazi ideology. Though Lt. Rojas caught him as a hostage in the spring of 1939, Gutenberg pledged his loyalty to the Resistance. At headquarters, he assists the Allies by conducting experiments, deciphering encrypted files, and sharing his knowledge of the Reich's plans. That knowledge is a major advantage over the Axis, so hopefully he's chosen the winning side — his fate would be unspeakable if the Nazis were to recapture him.

Juliette "Shotglass" Bertrand
Formerly a fighter in the French resistance, she now assists at Allied headquarters under Gen. Miller's command. She served in numerous operations during the attack of France, where you met her and witnessed her skills firsthand. Now, she oversees all kinds of errands and keeps the mess hall running smoothly. She still participates in guerilla operations in France and Central Europe, though most of the time she does so remotely, from headquarters.

Lt. Laz Rojas
Injured by German bombs, Lt. Rojas can no longer participate in operations directly, but that doesn't prevent him from helping the Allied cause. He is a weapons expert with several underground contacts to groups working to subvert the Third Reich and the Axis. He may also be able to procure extra supplies and reinforcements — for the right price.

Lt. Ty "Bones" Haldermann
His callname is "Bones" for a reason: he attended medical school, and he ended up in the war more by accident and less because of any inclination to fight. He'll tend to your wounds after each operation.

Lt. Haggis "Gear" McMutton
"Gear" seems to be a clouded and discharged drunkard, but in times when his wine consumption is on a reasonable level, he can be very helpful when it comes to electronics and technology. He is a nerd, yes, but on the other hand, he is a genius.

Other Characters
During the campaign, you'll meet many other characters, especially at headquarters. All of them have valuable information to offer, so it's highly recommended that you talk to each of them. Wisdom is might, and some operations will be very difficult to complete without certain hints, so take the time to gather as much information as you can!
The Bad Guys

General Eugen Fettgesicht
General Eugen Fettgesicht is the supreme commander of the Afrika Korps and one of Hitler's most experienced generals. Infamous not only for his cowardice on the battlefield and letting others do the dirty work for him, but also as a fanatic when it comes to the occult. It's said that his goals include more than just conquering Northern Africa.

Doctor Josef Schabbs
The head of Hitler's Massacre, Dr. Josef Schabbs is responsible for the concept of the Final Strike, as well as the deportation of hundreds of thousands of the Reich's enemies to prison camps. He's also an expert at fathering equally-villainous sons with his wife — all of his sons work in the German science program. Moreover, Schabbs directs the genetic experiments that the Führer developed to turn prisoners into mindless soldiers. Not much is known about these experiments, but the latest messages, intercepted and decoded by Allied intel, have revealed the first details of Schabbs' "Project: Eisenmann."

Graf Edmund Holzbein
Grad Edmund Holzbein is the chief financial officer of the "Thor's Hammer" project and host of the Castle Falkenberg in the heart of Germany hidden in the solitude of the Black Forest. In the WWI he got badly injured at the "Battle of the Somme" — which probably wasn't a bad thing, considering his cruelties against surrendering soldiers. Eversince he is paralyzed; but don't consider this as a weakness. Thanks to German technology, he is more a treat than ever before.

General Otto Giftmacher
Otto Giftmacher is the prime director of the "Thor's Hammer" project, a research group developing secret weapons with the Reich's finest and most notable scientists and engineers. The technological advantage has always been Germany's strength, and the way Giftmacher powering the machinery is alarming: bio-enhanced mutants and artificial intelligence are just two of all new treats Giftmacher is cooking.

General Friedhelm Seeteufel
General Seeteufel is the commander of the German Kriegsmarine, lately responsible for the submarine attacks at the English Channel. For him, innocent casualties on sunk civilian ships are not an obstacle to the total victory. His battle U-boat, the U-28, has been sighted by our intelligence between Scandinavia and Iceland several times by now; but we do not have any more information yet.

Adolf "Der Führer" Hitler
Adolf Hitler, Europe's nightmare come true. Celebrated as the liberator of the German Reich, he appointed himself Führer and turned the world into a battlefield. He is a maniac, driven by wrath and madness; his only goal is to exterminate all those whom he deems subhuman, and to subjugate all the free peoples of Europe. His zealous belief in the occult might be both his strength and weakness when it comes to turning the tides of war. Your ultimate goal is to stop him before his wicked plans succeed.